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Hriat Ka Duh (Lyrics & Translation) – Rebecca Lallawmsangi x Young Fella

Ka hmangaih che min tih zan khan,
Ka dawn lungruk a hlim ngei e,
Kha zan kha ral tawh lo se,
Ka duhthusam zawng a kim ngei ang.

[Young Fella]
Mah se hun a kal zel a,
Thinlung hliam tam tak nen,
Ka dawn phak ngailo a mizia,
Ka dem ngamlo Khuanu pawh khi.

I tan theihtawp ka chhuah a nga,
I tan ka tling angem?
Min hrilh rawh,
Oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh,
Min hrilh rawh,
Oh-oh, Oh-oh.

[Young Fella]
Ka ringhlel lo che,
Ka thla ngam thei lo,
Ka hmangaih em che Bawihte,
I tan ka awm reng,
Ka thlir ning lo che.

Senhri par mawi i iang Bawihte,
I thinlung chhuak ngei hriat ka duh,
Oo-hoo, Oo-hoo,
Hriat ka duh.

I hlim theih nan ka neih zawng te,
Ka ui ngailo engkim ka huam,
Min thlah lo la, min ning lo la,
A tir ang khan i awm zel ang.

[Young Fella]
I lungawilo min thlen la,
Ka tih theih tawk ka ti ang,
In dem thei reng kan awm lo,
Kan famkimlo, khawvel a ni.

I tan theihtawp ka chhuah a nga,
I tan ka tling angem?
Min hrilh rawh,
Oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh,
Min hrilh rawh,
Oh-oh, Oh-oh.

[Young Fella]
Ka ringhlel lo che,
Ka thla ngam thei lo,
Ka hmangaih em che Bawihte,
I tan ka awm reng,
Ka thlir ning lo che.

Senhri par mawi i iang Bawihte,
I thinlung chhuak ngei hriat ka duh,
Oo-hoo, Oo-hoo,
Hriat ka duh.

[Young Fella]
Miten min chhiar min thlir,
I lungawi loh thu min hrilh,
Ka lenrual ngei ten min zilh,
Va thlem rawh an ti a,
In thiamlo chungin ka rawn kal a nia, (Min ngaidam rawh aw)
I duh dan zelin ka awm tawh dawn,
I mittui a far maw tha leh vek dawn,
Ka duh luatah che awm dan tawk ka lo thiam thin lo,
Keimah zawk ka in dem thin a,
I natna chhawk turin,
Tunah i duh ang thal a i koh turin ka awm a nia.

I tan theihtawp ka chhuah a nga,
I tan ka tling angem?
Min hrilh rawh,
Oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh
Min hrilh rawh,
Oh-oh, Oh, oh.

[Rebecca & Young Fella]
Ka ringhlel lo che,
Ka thla ngam thei lo,
Ka hmangaih em che Bawihte,
I tan ka awm reng,
Ka thlir ning lo che.

Senhri par mawi i iang Bawihte,
I thinlung chhuak ngei hriat ka duh,
Oo-hoo, Oo-hoo,


That night when you told me that you love me
I was so happy with all of my longing answered
Oh, how i wish that night never ends
So that all of my dreams could come true

[Young Fella]
But time goes on
And with all the scars left behind
I never could imagine how everything will unfold
And i don’t even wanna put the blame on mother nature

If i tried my best for you,
Will i be enough for you?
Tell me now
Oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh,
Tell me now
Oh-oh, Oh-oh.

[Young Fella]
I never doubt you aren’t
I was just never at ease(besides you, ‘always thinking of whether i deserve you or 𝗻𝗼𝘁)🤔
Babe, i love you so much
I am always here for you
And i never get tired of watching you

As beautiful as a blooming red orchid
Love, I wanna hear it straight from your heart
Oo-hoo, Oo-hoo,
I wanna know

For your happiness i never mind spending all i had and doing all i can
Don’t let me go
Don’t get tired of me
Let’s just love like the beginning

[Young Fella]
Let me know what makes you upset
And i will do what i can
No one is blameless ’cause nobody’s perfect and that is life

If i tried my best for you,
Will i be enough for you?
Tell me now
Oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh,
Tell me now
Oh-oh, Oh-oh.

[Young Fella]
I never doubt you aren’t
I was just never at ease
Babe, i love you so much
I am always here for you
And i never get tired of watching you

As beautiful as a blooming red orchid
Love, I wanna hear it straight from your heart
Oo-hoo, Oo-hoo,
I wanna know

[Young Fella]
People are watching and talking about us
Telling me about how i let you down
Even my friends had it on me
Telling me to calm you down
And here i am, knowing it’s all my fault (Forgive me)
From now on I will always listen to you
I know you have shed a tear, but everything will be alright
It’s all because I’ve fallen head over heels for you and at times acts out of character
And I blame myself.
But now I’m here to ease your pain
Know that I’m here for you whenever you needed to call on me

If i tried my best for you,
Will i be enough for you?
Tell me now
Oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh,
Tell me now
Oh-oh, Oh-oh.

[Young Fella & Rebecca]
I never doubt you aren’t
I was just never at ease
Dear, i love you so much
I am always here for you
And i never get tired of watching you
As beautiful as a blooming red orchid
Love, i wanna hear it straight from your heart
Oo-hoo, Oo-hoo…


Composer: Young Fella and Rebecca Lallawmsangi
Popularized by Rebecca Lallawmsangi and Young Fella


Youngfella hi professionally a ka Artist pui ka mi ngaihsan…. hun rei tawh tak atranga ka thiantha ni bawk ani a. An nu nen kan relationship pawh atha e. Comment tam tak ka lo chhiar hian mi rilru la kawi tur zawnga Anupui hian athik awmm tih zawngte hi atam viau mai a

shooting zan pawn an chhungkua in an awm thap e. A pasal a support thatzia hre tu pawh ka ni…Chutih rual chuan hemi hla hi…keima story based a min phuahsak liau liau ani e…abakah chu ngaihtuah zui peih te tan aw.

– Rebecca Lallawmsangi

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